Resources For Domestic Violence Victims

Resources For Domestic Violence Victims

Seeking Legal Protection as a Victim In all states, one can get legal protection from domestic violence through a civil domestic violence protective order or through the criminal process.  The American Bar Association published a helpful comparison of states laws in...
Types Of Time-sharing Schedules

Types Of Time-sharing Schedules

Custody cases come in all shapes and sizes.  When a judge makes a decision they will look at each case on a case by case basis. Your case is unique and you will more than likely not have the same time-sharing schedule as your neighbor. Here are a few examples of...
How to plan a family vacation after divorce

How to plan a family vacation after divorce

After your divorced has been finalized, it’s time for you and your children to begin finding the new normal again. While you and your former spouse are no longer living in the same home, and your kids likely split their time between the two households, that doesn’t...
Top 5 things to do after filing for divorce

Top 5 things to do after filing for divorce

Divorce happens to the best of us. Couples do not anticipate a divorce impacting their lives as they say their vows at an altar together. As devastating as separating from your spouse may be, there are ways to keep yourself focused and keep your mind set on future...